Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-February 21, 2008CE


1) The USS Lake Erie (The name just rolls right off your tongue. Named, of course, for the famous Navy Man, Rear Admiral Harlan Quincy Lake Erie, Adm. Lake Erie went on to become president of the Seattle chapter of The Monkees fan club.) fired one of its ballistic missles last night and blew the shit out of one of the many broken hunks of juke that float ablve us waiting, hoping, they can fall upon someones head and explode with deadly Hyrdazine fuel. Not many know, but satellites have an advanced AI system and are usually evil. But we got ‘em this time. The boys of the USS Lake Erie.

2) THIS JUST IN! The CIA doesn’t know its elbow from its asshole! It’s impossible to get reliable information from people who are stealing it from someone else who will most likely kill them. Surprise.

3) This interview from Joel Stein, who I always find enjoyable, with George Clooney, is great. I think. I haven’t finished it yet, before I post. But I am going to.

4) And here are a couple of Slate stories. Late night last night, and I am running out of gas. I don’t feel like rushing through these things before I post. I have a full day of fucking around planned, and I need these stories to entertain me whilst I do it.

Well, that’s about it. Here is the incomparable Bruce McCullough and "Bank Job". It's a headphones clip if you're at the office:

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