Monday, December 10, 2007

Samuel L. Jackson Being Sued for Defamation

Hollywood actor and star of hits like Jurassic Park, Snakes on a Plane, Jungle Fever, Black Snake Moan, xXx, Rules of Engagement, and countless other movies, Samuel L. Jackson, is being sued by a national group of incest enthusiast for “his incessantly profane and demeaning use of the word motherfucker.”

The group, Incest for a Better America, believes that Jackson’s derogatory use of the term has lead to a national decline in incest participators and defenders so they have filed suit against the actor in US District Court 9 out of San Francisco. Citing the current trends around the nation to talk bad about those who practice incest and in most cases jail incest participators as signs of the damage that Jackson and other Hollywood actors have done to the practice of sleeping with a close relative, I.F.B.A. decided to file suit and “put a stop to all the negativity.”

“Sure, there is a taboo in every modern Western culture about incest but I think that we need to stand up and say something about the brow beating we are taking in Hollywood and all around the nation,” said Kerry Jerkinson, president and self appointed spokesman for the 25 member Incest for a Better America. “Mr. Jackson has made it obvious throughout his acting career that he does not believe in incest and he even goes so far to say that being a motherfucker is something bad in all of his films.

Kerry Jerkinson, Incest Enthusiast

“Just look at how he and the rest of Hollywood use the term so, I don’t know, crudely. It makes it appear that it only means something derogatory,” added Jerkinson.

Jackson nor his agent were able to be reached for comment. But his website did have a post on it concerning the current legal matter.

“I have never intentionally used the word motherfucker to be derogatory towards any person or persons who practice and believe in the sanctity of incestuous relationships. I just use the word to express an extreme amount of anger or frustration regarding the situations my characters find themselves in. I, however, do not practice or condone incest but I would never purposefully or maliciously want to harm, bring harm to, or degrade anyone who does.”

Jerkinson believes that Jackson’s statement is too little too late and plans on fighting the “gross and inhumane ways that those who practice incest are treated in today’s current society.”

Hollywood and current social mores have led to a debasing of incest and those that practice it,” Jerkinson said. “I want to make a statement that we are here, we love our families, and we make love to the consenting adults in our families in a way that brings fellowship, love, and a closer bond to all who participate. I would not have gotten this far in life without the unconventional love of my mother and a few special aunts and I want my children and the future children of this nation to openly feel the love I have felt for so many years."

"This is the first step in many to get our agenda out in the open and make American an incest friendly country, not one that hurts, jails, and condemns some of its finest citizens," concluded Jerkinson.

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