Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It Is Still Just As Good As It Once Was

You're going to murder me for this, but I feel it's important.

Especially my sponsor for the day, Bachelor Girl. Bachelor Girl: For all your...um...Bachelor Girl needs. (Listen, just go there and tell her how much you love the "masthead". It thrills her to no end, and even if you don't mean it, what can you lose?)

I am going to re-run a post.

I know, I know...its hacky and shitty, and slightly disrespectful to my readers. But I'm going to do it anyway. For 2 reasons.

1) The subject matter is back in my life, and it's something I really want to share with all the new readers to this site.

2) I would like to use this time to highlight my previous work. As I said, there are new readers, and maybe some of them don't know that I've been making amazing content since 2007. Along with Tison (who is still a part of this, just not lately) we began this talking mostly about sports, and sometimes entertainment. Eventually I moved from long form posts to sifting through morning news sites and various websites to distill 5 or 6 stories into the Ante Meridian Eye Openers (AMEO). That was a lot of fun, but it got to the point that I just couldn't spend that time each morning. Apparently my "boss" at "my job" wants me to do actual "work". I don't get it either.

So I took time off. And by took time off, I suppose I mean I forgot about it. Lost the spark. But then, one day, I just felt like doing it again. So I did. And here we are. But seriously, I would like to remind you that there are great things waiting for you in the archives of this site. The list to the right is just a sampling, and I am working on rectifying this. Picking out some of my personal favorites, and I welcome suggestions.

I am going to re-post my entry entitled "This Show Stinks". It is apropos to my life now. because Mr. Tony is back, once again. And just like January 8, 2008 I just re-found it. Some things have changed. I have a new iPod, a 120gb one. I don't listen to PTI or Around the horn on a daily basis. I don't listen to Never Not Funny, although I wish I did. SModcast is still the best; you NEED to listen to Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier. But the rest of it stands.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy.

A year or so ago, when I didn't have any bills, I bought an Ipod. I had let my XM subscription lapse some time before that, and was bereft of talk radio, which I prefer to listen to at work, when driving, or drinking absinthe with my pet kangaroo. I didn't want to mess around with any Nano crap, so I got one of the big boys, only 30 gb, but still: that's a fairly good amount of data.

Seeing as I had never had a reason to use Itunes before, the experience was new to me. As I was playing around, grabbing up all the Bonnie Tyler and Michael Bolton I could wrap my grubby fingers around, I noticed the large amount of podcasts available for download. For those of you reading this blog from a nursing home, a podcast is just a radio show which is available for download at any time. It's great for those of us not able to dedicate 3 to 4 hours of time a day for listening to the radio at a certain time of day. There are amazing things to be found on Itunes. I never watch the ESPN shows Pardon the Interruption or Around the Horn any longer. I listen to them on podcast. I have my favorite NPR shows, Fresh Air and This American Life. Independently produced comedy shows, including Never Not Funny starring Jimmy Pardo and the SModcast with director Kevin Smith. The great thing is Itunes will download them automatically letting me save those precious calories used moving the mouse around for masturbating in the corner of Banana Republic.

Another Fine Member of the Bearded Brotherhood

Around that time I happened upon an amazing show. Tony Kornheiser, of The Washington Post and Pardon the Interruption had a show on Washington Post radio. This show concerned sports certainly, but was more of an extension of his popular style section column. More about him, his family, his life and what is going on with all things Tony. He is a compelling storyteller, with a not so disguised rage always boiling underneath, not unlike Billy Graham or Mother Theresa. Tison and I both loved his show, and listened everyday, although not together (except for that one time in front of the fire wrapped in the fleece blanket, but that's another story for another day).

One day I tuned in (figuratively) to find out Tony was leaving the airwaves (also figuratively) to do his other other job, third mike in the booth of Monday Night Football on ESPN. I was crushed, and once Mr. Tony left I let the subscription fall from my list. The days turned to night and my world, which was formerly filled with the vibrant blues of a cloudless sky, the blazing oranges of a setting sun accompanied by a tall glass of Iced Tea, and the verdant greens of swaying grass in a cool spring breeze, was only shades of grey.

This brings us to last week. Monday Night Football is over and a wonderful thought popped into my head. "I wonder if Tony will be returning to his radio show." That was the thought. See how wonderful that was? So I crank start my model T computing device and search for Tony Kornheiser in Itunes. Low and behold, the guy who had taken over the show as a place holder was still going strong with new shows. I subscribed once again and began listening. I personally don't like the guy as much; he's a little old school radio, which means unfunny and corny, but he did tell me something which brought the colors flooding back int my dark world: Mr. Tony will be back on the air, 2 hours a day, the 21st of January, the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Eight.

So there it is. Your imperative to listen to the Tony Kornheiser Radio Show. Do not shrug this off, for if you discard this information your life will be shorter, your wife will leave you for your best friend's son, and your kids will put you in a 4th rate nursing home and use the profits to buy a better father. You have been warned. Oh, and also, if you're out on your bike tonight, do wear white.


  1. 1. Don't be talking shit about my mastheads. I'll stab you in the eyes with a mascara wand.

    2. I love the image of some guy (not you) yanking his crank in Banana between the aviator sunglasses and the wide-legged jeans. "Unh...unh...God, I wish this was Anthropologie..."

    3. Tony Kornheiser's so fucking hot.
