Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-October 30, 2007CE

I have been informed that I have been fucking up the links for the AMEO, and I apologize. These pithy remarks make little sense if you cannot reference the source material.

1) Check your pockets. You notice anything different. That's right, they changed the nickles a couple of years ago. And soon you will find a new penny. But mostly you don't care. New coinage is neat for about 15 seconds before you realize that everything costs 5 dollars anyway.

2) In the coolest news you have ever heard news, the USS Porter and the USS Arleigh Burke are in pursuit of FUCKING PIRATES!!!!!!!! Pirates (the actual bloodthirsty dangerous kind, not the cute cuddly Keira Knightly kind) hijacked a ship and the two US destroyers lit into them, the Porter sinking the pirate's ships. So the pirates hauled ass in their new ship, and the Navy has been pursuing them ever since. The hijacked crew eventually regained control of their ship. Why was there no pirate recruiter in high school?

Well I have scoured the internet, and can't find anything else of superinterest. Let's turn the comment section into a thread about Heisman candidates. Right now, I am leaning toward Steve Slaton, because he allows me to suck off the teat that is the Big East and its superior football. Next?


  1. Images of the pirates have been released by AP!

  2. Mcfadden, but only bc of last year and i am a hog fan.

  3. McFadden will be drafted by the Vikings and him and Adrian Peterson are going to eat through garbage and dead babies through 100 yards every time.
