Monday, November 26, 2007

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-November 26, 2007CE

1) Well, looks like they have finally done it. ABC News has infiltrated Facebook. The last bastion of the Internet with no socially or morally redeeming values has been corrupted by an evil media conglomerate who wishes nothing more than to expand knowledge in young people and inform the public. Take that shit to Myspace, buddy, and get it out of here.

2) Interesting article on Slate about rock shows and several examples of whatever 4th wall exists there being broken. No snark from me, just letting you know it's out there.

3) It's front page news when the Patriots come within a field goal of tying someone. By the way, they won, so, whatever. 11-0. Don't pop that cork just yet, Mercury Morris.

4) Oh this is going to be a terrible terrible abortion of the ear drums. I will probably try to go, but that won't change the fact that a Jackson 5 reunion will just ruin everything good about the 70's. Including Terry Bradshaw, who will be opening for the 5 on tour.

Well, that's about it. It's like Bill Hecht said: "Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock."

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