Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-November 29, 2007CE

1) Why anyone would want to live in Miami let alone join their most prestigious gang, the University of Miami football team, is beyond me. It's a deathtrap, it's a suicide rap.

2) World's Ugliest Man, John Clayton of, reviews tonight's Packers/Cowboys match up. With no more Big East college football on Thursday's, what am I going to do? But seriously folks, I care not what happens to any of you--I got satellite long ago, so I will be watching this game from the comfort of my bathtub.

3) I am completely dumbfounded. They sweep your leaves for you in England? "Road sweepers" sweep everything in sight? I don't get it at all.

Well, that's about it. It's like some guy on the radio said this morning: "What I learned from dating is that if you see a girl with a good ass, she has a boyfriend. If you see a girl with a great ass, she is in high school."

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