Tuesday, November 6, 2007

George Bush Takes Cue From Supermodel

Washington D.C.--In a move described by Washington insiders as "courageous" and "fiscally responsible", President George W. Bush today announced he will be demanding his $400,000 salary be paid in Euros.

Taking his cue from the superest of supermodels, Brazil's Gisele Bundchen, President Bush advised all Americans to demand payment for all goods and services in the European currency. Federal Reserve Chairman Benjamin Bernake agreed with the president's Rose Garden announcement calling the move, "The only sure thing in an unsure world. If my predecessor [Alan Greenspan] couldn't fix the floundering dollar, what hope do I have. Who am I?"

Financial guru Bundchen made headlines this week after she announced she would be accepting payment for all future modeling and spokeswoman work in the Euro. Analysts agree with the decision calling the U.S. dollar "More worthless than Confederate pennies" and "an absolute embarrassment" especially when compared to the Canadian Dollar, long the joke of the International Monetary Fund.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-California) chastised the President for not having enough faith in the massive number of illegal immigrants that are working feverishly to bring the dollar's value equal to our allies, such as Cameroon and Botswana.

President Bush will become the first Chief Executive to accept the Euro as compensation for leading the United States of America, but not the first to refuse the dollar. Chester A. Arthur was once paid a full years worth of Atlantic Cod to combat his gout. Grover Cleveland was famously derided for accepting his payment in saloon girls and patent medicine guaranteed by the manufacturer to cure venereal disease.

Incoming Undersecretary of the Treasury for Domestic Policy Bundchen was not available for comment, as her cheeks were stuffed full of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady's penis at press time.

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