Monday, December 10, 2007

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-December 10, 2007CE

Well good morning, and I am back. The open thread experiment was a qualified disaster with a grand total of 0 submissions. I'm hearing you loud and clear on this one. Never again.

1) This must be a goddamn movie. A creepy pig farmer kills whores and feeds them to his pigs? This has to be a movie and Canada just got duped. But prostitutes and junkies? It's really a toss-up on whether he should go to jail or receive the key to the city.

2) Here is the official collection of what Time magazine thinks were the bee's knees of 2007. No where do they list me or anything me related, which shows a fatal flaw from the get go.

3) I worship at the feet of Aaron Sorkin. I love his work, especially Sports Night and The West Wing. It gives me a smug sense of superiority to get his references and understand what's going on. In conclusion, I'm better than you. Troy Patterson is clearly less enamored.

4) Well, I can see what the new chic pet to have on the Upper East Side will be in 2008. And I want one now, Daddy!!

5) Is it really possible to just change your time, and be so out of sync with the countries that surround you? How do they ever know when Deal or No Deal will be on when they travel?

Well, that's about it. It's like Aaron Sorkin said: "People who don't know anything tend to make up fake rules, the real rules being considerably more difficult to learn."

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