Friday, December 28, 2007

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-December 28, 2007CE

1) Bill Parcells reported for duty as head of football operations for the hapless Miami Dolphins. The guy just loves taking shit and spinning it into gold. This might be the worst team he has ever been a part of, and he's no spring chicken, so I am interested in how long he gives these losers. I guess not the full 4 years of his contract.

2) Space explosions like this one are the reason I got into astronomy. Wait, not astronomy, watching tv and eating funyuns.

3) My friends Jackson and Ross already have their tickets to San Juan for this monumental celebration. Wish them luck.

Well, that's about it. It's like Voltaire said: "Use, do not abuse... Neither abstinence nor excess ever renders man happy."


  1. rickey how do you find this kind of news....and how did you know i was going ?

  2. I just have several pages I look at every day that can usually give me everything I would want. And I knew you were going because of your intense love for men's genitals
