Friday, January 4, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-January 4, 2008CE

I'm washing down day-quil with Alka-Seltzer plus, yet I still find the strength to give you a morning post. I await by the mailbox for my medals.

1) Well , we have new front runners after the Iowa caucus held last night. Mike Huckabee for the Republicans and Barack Obama for the Democrats. This is very interesting but just the first movement of a pawn in the great 2008 election chess board. New Hampshire will most likely choose two diferent canidates and then we are off to the races.

2) The luckiest man alive can't even get up to buy lottery tickets. Of course perhaps the glass isn't have full because of his body becoming jello after falling 47 stories off a building and surviving.

3) Kansas beat Virginia Tech. Whoopti-do.

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