Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-January 3, 2008CE

1) Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that preemptively freezing citrus trees to protect against even colder temperatures is a viable solution for Florida growers. It's so amazing that even at the age of 24 I can still learn something about the field of agriculture. Oh, yea, and it's cold everywhere now, not just Buffalo.

2) So, a mindless machine hates me. It has a vendetta against me and I am powerless to stop it. My DirectTV decided to take away all my local channels and most of the most watched cable channels. No NBC, no Comedy Central, no History Channel and no Cartoon Network. It's torture. The most disappointing part was missing the return of the late night talk shows. Letterman and Conan joining the Bearded Brotherhood. Leno still not being interesting. It was a night of fun and I missed it. For the first time, I am finally getting tired of looking at my midget/goat porn.

3) Bill Stewart was formally named Head Coach of the massively talented West Virginia Mountaineers, and I'm glad for him. They did away with the prevailing school of thought that the bigger name must be the better choice and went for someone within the family who the players already had a bond with. One good move from an administration who had so many bad ones with former coach Rich Rodriguez.

4) Two stories from the world of science. The first one concerns the first discovery of a newly forming planet in a star system 182 light years away. A light year is a unit of measurement meaning "your puny human brain can't possibly comprehend the distance referenced here". The second one is about how researchers printed the entire bible on a silicon chip smaller than a pinhead using advanced nanotechnology. Please. Gutenberg was doing that hundreds of years ago and all he had was parchment and goat's blood for ink.

Well, that's about it. It's like Dante said, "Abandon every hope, ye who enter here."

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