Monday, February 25, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-February 25, 2008CE

1) The salt in everyone’s tea, Ralph Nader, has announced he will once again waste his time and mine by running for president. You might remember Ralph Nader as the guy who got seatbelts installed in cars, and proceeded to annoy the shit out of America for the next 50 years. You might also remember him as a central figure in the 2000 election clusterfuck in Florida. Needless to say, this guy is a thorn in a lot of people’s sides.

2) Pakistan has done something my employer hasn’t yet. They woke up and decided to ban YouTube in the entire country. If I am any indication, Pakistan should boost their production with this move 4000%.

3) I am surprised this was American Airlines and not Total Bastard Airlines. Flight Attendants are either really nice or complete fuckheads. I’ve had both, and its really a crapshoot if it matters or not. This time it did matter.

4) In a move surprising no one the Cuban National Assembly elected Raul Castro the new president of Cuba. Seen as more moderate and a reformer compared to his brother, Fidel, that’s like of like saying that clove cigarettes are less annoying because they are less deadly---they are still annoying as hell.

Well, that’s about it. It’s Like Sir Peter Ustinov said: “Her virtue was that she said what she thought, her vice that what she thought didn't amount to much.”

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