Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-October 25, 2007CE

1) Yikes!!! Well as Elwood used to say, "The Lord works in mysterious ways." Last night he was working through the arm of Boston's playoff megahammer, Josh Beckett, who improved his postseason ERA to 1.20 against the lackluster Colorado Rockies.

2) I can't confirm anything, but this article regarding the Knights Templar and their Vatican trial in 1308 is WRONG. Not that I have any prior or secretive knowledge regarding any organization that may or may not hold the body of Moses in an underground temple somewhere beneath the Deal Sea. Nope, none what-so-ever.

3) The Miami Dophins are an abysmal football team. Case in point: Channing Crowder. Crowder would be the Paris Hilton of football, if he had smaller tits.

Well that's about all I can find right now. It's like Abraham Lincoln said: "If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee."

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