Saturday, October 20, 2007

Blog Day Afternoon

Hi,Tison here. Vanderbilt just beat South Carolina. Well I am speechless, thoughtless, and disappointed. Good job Commodores. Make me look like an asshole. Whatever. It will just be me for right now since Russ is asleep. So many games. ISU is drving on OK in the 4th down by only one TD. Baylor is only down by one score, a TD. I think I might be going insane, or dreaming. I cannot decide. Ok, well i just woke up. Oklahoma intercepts the pass in the end zone. Cognizance is saved.

Florida/Kentucky; USC/Notre Dame; Ohio St/Michigan St - these are the games that I will be keeping track of this afternoon. Mostly the FL/KY game. Sorry folks, SEC fan, SEC game.

2:39 A battle of really good quarterbacks here. Of course Tebow, FL QB, is the most grizzled and manly of the two. I heard he came from the loins of a lumberjack, pirate, and Zeus. I do not doubt it. Watch him play.

2:42 Verne Lundquist will be asked to MC my wedding. I could listen to this man call a scrabble match between two blind chimpanzees.

2:45 Dickie Lyons, WR KY, just catches everything that is thrown at him. TD Wildcats. Florida down. In the words of Verne: Oh my goodness!

2:46 Alabama is destroying TN, absolutely and on both sides of the ball. Goodnight Vols. I dislike Saban in a way that most people will not fathom. Bama is so up and down. Ohio State up by a TD with 3:15 gone from the first quarter. Hello #1 we are the Spartans, we won't do anything too scary though like real Spartans. Here is the endzone...wanna come in?

R 2:52: Yea this Bama game that I fell asleep to is pretty much over, unless Fulmer can find a way to eat his way to victory. If anyone can, it is him.

T 2:55 Clemson beat Central Michigan 70-14. Embarassing. I feel bad for Cen. Michigan's players. And for Clemson, because beating that team by this many and failing in almost every other aspect means nothing.

R 2:56: If you haven't seen the SNL commercial about Notre Dame football, head on over to youtube and check it out. Also, it's nice to see progress. Sounds like Notre Dame has the first openly gay referee in college football.

T 3:00 Watching Tebow lead the Gators to a touchdown sends chills down my spine. Just a mastery of the system he is allowed to run. Its special and so is my man crush on Tebow

T 3:10 Ohio St.'s running back Williams has 95 yards on five carries. Thats insane. More from the tough Spartans defense later I assume. Or they may have headed into the locker room to soak their bruises. Gross.

R 3:18: USC Touchdown for the first score of this game. Which is odd, because I was in one room and the Irish had recovered a fumble, and I walked into another one to write about it, and USC is passing for a touchdown. What I am trying to say is that I think my house contains a portal to an alternate universe.

R 3:22: Why have I never noticed how annoying the Ohio State fight song is? Trust me, it's as annoying as the entire state of Ohio, which is saying something.

T 3:33 Paul Mcguire makes my face hurt. They took him out the booth and put him on a crane cam. Its all he talks about, well that, and the fact he played football. But he was a punter, so who cares? I wish they would take his mic away or maybe his ability to talk in general.

R 3:41: Florida is good, or something. They should never reverse a call that benefits the Gators and Ho Ho Ho, Blue Giant

T 3:49 Kentucky is going to do the same thing to Florida they did to LSU last week. Lull the better team to sleep and come back to beat them. Although, Florida looks like they care more about this game than LSU ever did last week. 14-10 FL

R 3:58: West Virginia is embarrassing the Bulldogs of Starkville. Steve Slaton is going to visit your hometown and fuck your wife. There is nothing you can do about it, so just sit back and watch him do what he does, before he does what he does.

T 4:03 Watching Tebow play is incredible. Putting it on Kentucky like a fat kid syrups waffles.

R 4:17: I absolutely love everything about CBS college football. From Verne and Gary, to Brando and Tillman, they do everything right. Please don't mistake this for sarcasm, I truly think they are the best in the business. Besides Pam Ward of course.

T 4:20 First half winding down and USC leads Notre Dame 17-0. I guess somewhere, someone cares about this. I assume its USC or Notre Dame fans. However, it is apparent that the NBC commentators have no interest in this game or anything else for that matter, except a slow painful death.

T 4:33 Steve Slaton and Pat White are tag teaming Mississippi State right now and your girlfriend is in their sights. This might have been a good time for the SEC to show up against the Big East, unfortunately that looks like it won't happen.

T 4:52 Florida is making this painful. Wait, Kentucky just scored. Great pass and catch. Better cheerleaders. They seem stupid, I bet I can talk them into something "dangerous".

T 5:00 "Back, and to the left." The way CBS analyzes replays only makes me think of one thing. Oliver Stone always knows what is best for America. Period.

T 5:01 I'll get in your neutral zone. That is all I want to say to the ref if he called me for that. It would make for great banter.

T 5:04 To go back a minute here, how awful was the halftime show on NBC during the Notre Dame/USC game? It was unwatchable, literally. And the lighting on that set makes those guys look strung out from a heroin and Jim Beam binder. NBC sucks.

T 5:05 Dancer on TV talking about her blog and how she updates it regularly with her iphone. All we could think of is if she would take her clothes off. If you are reading this chick in the Iphone ad, would you? For us?

T 5:09 Jim Tressell shows the world that success on the football field if achievable for anyone. Even if you do look like an office manager. Sweater vests also make everything sweeter. Gary Danielson on CBS is very back and forth. One minute Florida is the best thing on the planet since cocaine off of a strippers tit and the next Kentucky might set the world on fire with their greatness.

T 5:11 Notre Dame's uniforms today are nasty. They make my eyes water. The last thing I would do is take my dressing cues from Oregon. Nike sucks.

T 5:15 Kentucky keeps on punching Florida in the mouth. Which is stupid because you will piss off Tebow and he will eat your face and then march the Gators to victory.

R 5:50: I hate to go back and correct something from forever ago, especially since I kinda just sat down and got tired of thinking, but I read what Tison has been writing, and I have to correct something. Nike does suck, but from what I remember (and I am right) these uniforms ND are wearing are fom adidas. Being a devout uniwatch fan (you can find me in the memebership roster at uniwatch) I had to correct that.

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