Monday, October 22, 2007

This shit is not serious, its for fun, thats all.

I am glad I am not serious about this, he looks whipped

Well here it is; my own page on an Internet dating site. Didn’t think I could or would do it, but I guess its no big deal. This is just for fun; I certainly do not want to date any of the girls I would meet on here. I hope my friends do not hear about this. They will make fun of me for sure. Well, fuck those guys, they need to chill out. It’s hard out there, especially in this town, where good trim is pretty scarce. Besides, I just know I will get, like a million hits, or is it views? God I feel so stupid, but I am the cream of the crop on this thing, that’s for sure. I can get any chick I want at anytime, I am just putting myself out there on the Internet, you know, to widen the net. No big deal.
I wonder if anyone else I know is on this thing. Losers. I know I am doing it, but it is for “research”, kind of. Just seeing if this shit works. This is nothing serious and certainly not a last ditch effort to meet someone special or anything gay like that. Dudes who talk like that are pussies. It would be suicidal if my buddies find out about this. Maybe I should not give my real name. No, then how would a girl get in touch with me or how could we build a rapport, trust, shit like that. I really don’t care about that shit, but, well it’s always best to be honest. My mother said that, she is a smart lady. I wonder what is for dinner tonight anyway. She is a pretty bad ass cook. I hope any babe I meet on this site will be a good cook. It would suck to go from awesome home cooked meals to shitty take-out all the time in the name of love, especially at 24. Not like I actually am expecting, or hoping, for anything like that. Just some weekend strange, that is all I really want.
You know, I was just thinking about how chicks dig guys who write. I have a pretty successful blog. I have gotten like six comments. They were all pretty positive about the way I think about stuff. I should put a link to it on this page. That way the fly honeys will know that I write and people can see it all the time. I also need to make sure the ladies know they can read and opine on my blog to their hearts content. Using words like opine proves I am a good writer; I need to work that word into my online profile. Women love it when a guy lets them express their opinions and it is truly received, this will certainly put me over the top, hopefully in more ways than one. I need to stop thinking like that though and I should also just call them women or ladies. I do not want to seem like another male pig.
This page and my blog will be the keys to the city, that’s almost certain. Assuming the city is some hot chick’s pants, and I think we all know it is. I bet my friends would like that joke. I am going to have to use it at the party this weekend. Steve gets a kick out of those. He is funny, girls like funny. I think I will put a joke on my page. Not one of my own, but something from a comedian, it will say “well read and versed in the art of comedy.” Good thinking. One glance at this page and the web will be crawling with chicks that cannot wait to get with me.
I’ve decided that I should put up a picture of myself so that people, well the ladies, will know what I look like. I am fairly good looking. I think I can get away with using my real picture. At least I am not as ugly as the monsters I have seen on here so far. I sure hope that all of the fine girls are deeper into this thing. Seems pretty sparse out there right now. Oh well I will surely get a fine piece of ass to bounce, nothing serious just casual. I’ll go with the fake picture for a while then change it. Do not want to rush into this; I want to slip into this online dating thing. Well not dating because I do not want to get too involved. Just real casual and fun, like me.
I think my page looks good and makes me look good. Goddammit, hope my friends do not find out about this. They will socially rape me for sure. I need to come up with a cool online moniker, so when I am online the ladies know I am chill and we can talk. I was thinking jtmoney69, but it’s a bit played out since I have been called that for a long time, and it would make it easy for them to recognize me. Maybe Ballerjt420, I don’t know, I guess I should steer clear of my initials. I’ll have to work that out later. I have to go anyway; my mom is calling me for dinner. Pork chops bitch. When we are done I can see if anyone commented on my profile, well I know they will have its just choosing who is the lucky lady. And by that I mean the one who is looking for a casual thing, this is just for fun remember.

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