Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-December 13, 2007CE

1) Fuck those steroids users in the face. I am glad the Mitchell Report names names. Get those stinky drug-taking dicklickers out in the open. On a related note, do you know where I can find some pot?

2) Maybe those cheaters in the Mitchell Report can ask President Bush for a pardon? These guys who steal cars and run 'shine 40 years ago got one this week, and their lives seem to work out. Who said a felony conviction can ruin your life for good? Oh yea, these guys said it. Sorry.

3) Japanese baseball star Kosuke Fukudome (WL) signed a 4 year $48 million contract to play with my beloved Chicago Cubs. This adds depth to a team which is already pretty depthy but just cannot seem to gel no matter what happens...ever. In other Cubs news, former amazing pitcher/current short order cook at Waffle House Mark Prior was let go by the Cubs, making him a free agent. His options are narrow as there are few single A ball clubs with the kind of money it takes to meet his asking price of a 1989 Buick Le Sabre and free dry cleaning for a year.

4) Remember all you right to lifers out there: out of 600 births, one survived and that is an impressive accomplishment. Kind of like Wesley Snipes' movies!!! All right guys, that's my set, be sure to tip your waitress!

Finally, in lieu of a quote, I will post a video of the late Ike Turner and his frequent punching bag, Tina. His vocals on Proud Mary are super great and when you watch this version, versus a non-Ike version, it is like smelling gold plated dog turds: looks nice, but still smells like shit. Enjoy:

1 comment:

  1. About Wesley Snipes -- it's funny 'cause it's TRUE!! amiright??
