Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-January 22, 2008CE

1) Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if you were in the business of building rockets to the moon 40 years ago, you should know how to build rockets to the moon 40 years later. Somehow we made it to the moon and back using computers as advanced as a pocket calculator, but these days NASA can't find a dollar bill that will work in the frozen snickers machine.

2) We here at Bearsuits like to throw you a serious curve ball once in a while, and this is today's. Organ donation is a serious decision to be made, but I certainly encourage you to consider it. Shit son, you're dead; you're not going to be missing anything. Unless you live in Pharonic Egypt and need your organs to reside in clay jars with dog's head on top signifying the Sun God, Ra while your body is wrapped tightly in linen and placed in a stone sarcophagus.

3) Corruption, thou name is no longer only Louisiana. West Virginia seems to be in the news constantly these days, from the mining disaster a couple of years ago, to Rich Rodriguez feuding with the University of West Virginia's Athletic Department and Administration, and now this. Joe Manchin sure knows how to run a state. Manchin '12!!

4) Tony Dungy will return as Head Coach of the Indianapolis Colts. Why the relatively young Dungy pussyfoots around like he's Brett Favre every year, I'll never understand. Just coach, or don't. Stop making it a big deal, especially with your friend or whatever waiting in the wings. It's like my grandmother used to say: "Shit or get off the pot, motherfucker."

Well, that's about it. Here is a lovely understated video about the tiral and tribulations of growing up. Enjoy:

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