Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hanging With the Boys

A Sign of Excellence

Tonight, I attended a large gathering of old men, women, and angry rednecks. This gathering was cleverly titled the Republican Party of Louisiana Caucus for the 4th and 5th Congressional Districts. (Right there is where you are supposed to scream into a megaphone and your voice echoes.) I went because a guy I know at school asked me if I would come by and vote for him to be a representative to attend a state meeting where they will elect Louisiana’s delegates to the Republican National Convention. A simple favor that I found myself intrigued to be asked to do but I had to be registered Republican.
Of course, I had no idea that I had actually registered Republican because in my mind today, I could only assume I had registered independent, unsure, Martian, or whatever option they would allow me to make so that I would not have to collaborate with either of the two main political parties in this nation. Of course, I am a nerd (as the actual presence of this blog can attest) so I knew exactly where my voter registration card was located. As it turns out I did register with the Grand Old Party at the ripe age of 18 years old, when young men and women all across this great nation do exactly what they had always dreamed about, register to vote. (You thought I was going to say legally have sex with one of their friend’s hot moms, or if you are a girl, fathers. But I fooled you. Then I began to think girls may not think about their friend’s dads like that. This of course led to thinking about how I have never once known what a woman was or is thinking; so I shot myself in the foot to dull the pain of trying to comprehend women.) Nevertheless, with my youthful indiscretion in hand I was cordially welcomed into the arms of one of the most socially regressive thinking political machinations in the world today, at least on a nationally important scale. I am sure there are much worse groups but they do not influence public policy in the same manner. Naturally, once I had determined I had the key to enter the inner sanctum of “conservative, Christian American values” I called this guy up and told him I would be there.
The news here, at least to me, is that I actually registered to vote Republican. I do not remember a time when I felt the Republican party adequately represented the things I care about or feel but if I ever had such feelings, I am quite sure that as of right now, I have changed a lot of the ways in which I consider the world around me. Do not get me wrong, I am no bleeding heart Democrat, but the Republican Party? I am fine with most of their fiscal policies, up to some of their taxing ideas, but their social policies leave a lot more to be desired and on top of that it’s the Southern Republican Party. Sure my old man would say the emancipated the slaves and what not, but a lot has changed in 140 years and the Republican Party of Honest Abe is not the same one that is cooking up schemes to cripple many minority groups in this nation in one way or another. Pheww, I am done, maybe.
Meanwhile, at the caucus: There were cowboys, cowgirls, rednecks, blue collars, white collars, tight asses, old people of every description and I mean ooooollldddd, like ranging from their mid-50s to somewhere around Nefertiti’s gal pals. These are not exactly the people you will find me with at my box socials, yacht club galas, and stereotypical neo-hippies to legalize marijuana club brunches, but there I was. Literally surrounded by all of the people who, if they knew, would strongly dislike a lot of the decision I have made in my life. Well, except the ones where I decided to be white, male, and straight. Although, it almost seems as if most of those choices were made before I reached an age where I could make cognizant life decisions, such as the one to register Republican. I sure am glad my dad scared the gay black woman out of me when I was a youngster. I would have been embarrassed to be seen there in that condition. Needless to say, I helped out someone who asked for it and I learned a little something about life and about myself this evening. I hope that by sharing it we all learned something about each other and about ourselves.
This was on the back of a truck I was behind when I was leaving. Believe it.

Bearsuits are Funny
sidebar: I do not believe that Republicans are bad people, on the whole, nor do I believe they all espouse views that are hateful, mean, or derogatory. I also know that both sides of the aisle can offer views that may seem inappropriate, hateful, or derogatory. The Republican Party encompasses a wide swath of the American electorate and I respect that. Do not get your panties in a wad just because I made some personal comments and reflections regarding this particular party. I find both major, national parties to be equally filled with the greedy, shit-eating swine that will no doubt ruin this great nation.

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