Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-January 24, 2008CE

1) This story about looting being a growing problem for our national parks reminds me of the time I was planting a new tree in my backyard. I dug the hole to the specified depth and I'll be damned if I didn't find Lark Voorhies. So that's where she has been for the past decade or so.

2) Who the fuck thinks Jay Leno is funny enough to steal from anyway? And Kathleen Madigan. I didn't know that fake nervous conditions and unfunny jokes translated well to the written word.

3) It's real fucked up to kill someone with your car and then laugh about it. But apparently this drunk thought it was a great thing she did, even after she sobered up. Oh well, I guess she will have plenty of time to laugh it up while the dikes are shoving the legs of her bed up her ass.

4) "She's very animal like, she's kind of like a pet, as well as a partner." Actual quote from a guy who leads his fiancee around on a leash. His very, very unattractive fiancee, so I can see where he would get confused. Perhaps he is legally blind, or just doesn't want her to get lost in the park.

Well, that's about it. It's like Jay Leno said: Ha. Fuck you, I never watch Jay Leno.

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