Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-January 30, 2008CE

1) To begin, in politics: John Edwards, the Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee of 2004 finally quit fighting that darn windmill and is expected to drop out of the race today. I will miss the way Clinton and Obama looked at him with disdain for wasting their time during debates. The way the media gave him almost no coverage, mainly because he was out of the race weeks ago. You, Mr. Edwards, can walk away with your head high knowing you accomplished almost nothing because no one wants to hear what you have to say. Have fun being megarich!

2) Although reprehensible, you gotta admit: this hombre's got brass balls. This guy hit a kid with his car and killed the kid. Then he sued the kid's family for damages to his car. That's amazing!! Who would ever do that?

3) Johan Santana, possibly the best pitcher in the game today, was finally traded to the New York Mets, after an off season of stops and starts with the Yankees and Red Sox. These negotiations have taken longer than it takes Peter Gammons to put on his socks, am I right?!? Oh, too soon?

4) When will these young idiot golfers realize that when you call Tiger out it just makes him angry? Back when Rory Sabbitini did that, Tiger turned into the Incredible Hulk and stomped a mudhole in his ass. Just shut up and battle for second place with some dignity, please.

Well, that's about it. It's like Jeffrey Jones as Merrick in Deadwood said: "May I say Dan, having resumed drinking alcohol, I cannot for the life of me understand how I ever could've given it up."

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