Monday, February 11, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-February 11, 2008CE

1) Friend of the blog Mike Huckabee won several states this weekend, but John McCain is still the firm front runner. Obama won most of the states in this weekend's round of voting but still cannot take a substantial lead over Clinton. Mike is still hanging around, impressing people with his down-home good natured attitude and stoning heretics in his back yard, while not doing much long term damage. Meanwhile the Democrats battle it out to exhaust their donor pools in the primaries and threaten to run out of money before November.

2) The strike of the Writer’s Guild of America looks to be over, with the members set to return to their pens and paper (how quaint) by Wednesday. This is good news and all, especially for a guy who likes reality shows about as much as a hot coffee enema, but it looks as if my favorite new show, Chuck, won’t be back until the fall. So until the fall I wait. Like a jilted lover whose partner is in jail for hitting me, I will always take them back.

3) The Grammys were last night, and if you honestly care what happened, then you are an idiot. Superstar crack addict Whitney Houston Amy Winehouse had the biggest night, next to superstar annoying prick Kanye West. But as a guy who appreciates Herbie Hancock’s work, yet not bored enough to sit down and actually listen to it on a regular basis, I am really happy to see he stole the best album of the year award from those hacks. Congrats Herbie.

4) Dana Stevens of Slate, one of my favorites on that site, takes a look at the two camps of folks who have seen Juno. Those who abhor it and those who adore it. I placed myself firmly in the camp of those who loved it, just like every other young person who saw it. It’s this year’s Garden State. It wants to speak about how kids today really are, but trust me, no high school girl I ever met was as witty and sharp tongued as that. In fact, no high school boy I met was like that either. But it’s good. This article makes me think I should go back and watch it a little bit harder, just to see if I still enjoyed it as much. My money is bet on 2 words: Jason Bateman. After 20 odd years of obscurity, Bateman has finally found his wheelhouse, and I for one, enjoy the shit out of his performances.

Well, I have more articles, but that’s about it for this morning. I might come back in the afternoon and serve up a rare dish of Post Meridiam Eye Openers; we’ll see. It’s like William Saroyan said:”Every man in the world is better than someone else and not as good as someone else.”

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