Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-February 28, 2008CE

1) We begin with a movie review from my favorite review site, pajiba. I usually don't link to other blogs per se, but this one made me laugh. I saw Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector, and actually found it to be enjoyable at times, but of course I can usually find something to laugh at in any movie. Especially Schindler's List. Third greatest sports comedy, behind Caddyshack and Major League.

2) Months ago I decided to try out the light bulbs profiled in this article: compact fluorescent lights, or CFLs. I have one in the lamp by the bed, and one in the lamp on my desk, and I must say I am impressed by them. One of the cons mentioned is the quality of the light, but for what I use them for, I prefer the softer light they produce, not to mention they emit less heat, which can become bothersome if you are near one for long enough. I recommend trying them at least once. I haven't had to dispose of one yet, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Not a lot of funny there, but there rarely is when it comes to the environment or economics, and especially when they cross paths.

3) When a place gets robbed so much they have competing stories as to which was the most eventful or funny robbery, maybe that's a sign to NEVER GO THERE AGAIN!!! but the again this is Australia we are talking about here. Fucking criminals and Aborigines running around the place, riding kangaroos and singing opera in Sydney...

4) Good God, CNN is just kicking ass in the headline wars. Their entry today is "Newborn survives fall through train toilet". And just like yesterday, its so fucking descriptive and succinct that you needn't bother reading the article. A woman in India (where else) prematurely gave birth to a child who then fell through the open hole of the toilet onto the train tracks. And then hung out there for about 2 hours before anyone found the lady, who told her story. I'm almost speechless, except to say I am filled with the sort of Christmas morning anticipation to find out what they have for us tomorrow. TGIF!!!

5) The Old Gray Lady profiles the "honeymoon" of the United States' first Indian American Governor, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. It's a wonderful little article about the new ethics reform just passed, but I feel they could have turned this one into a long form magazine feature. Two pages wasn't enough for the information you could tell they had. The sad thing is you couldn't get something this good in-state.

Well, that's about it. It's like Larry the Cable Guy said: "I was down in Florida once and this guy in a car drives up to me and says 'Do you want some cocaine?' and I said 'No, thank you, Officer'"

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