Friday, February 29, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-February 29, 2008CE

1) Let us get right into the headline wars. CNN puts up a valiant effort with "Homeowner: 'It's very easy to outrun lava'", but the winner today has to be USA Today with "Las Vegas clinic accused of reusing syringes". And it's just like it sounds: real, real fucked up. A clinic reused needles and vials of antibiotic, ostensibly so they could kill folks with Hep C. I don't see any other logical explanation.

2) Yellow journalist, Matt Drudge picked up an Australian news story which stated that Britain's Prince Harry (The one who dresses up as a Nazi, and smokes pot, not the international heartthrob with the model/photographer girlfriend) has been serving on the front lines in Afghanistan. Officials immediately pulled Harry out of there, reports say, because his scar was tingling, worrying officials in the Ministry that He Who Shall Not Be Named has returned.

3) Only in Seattle could the entire city take a day off to complain about or fight for putting an architecturally important Denny's on the historical landmark list. It's insane what cities will stand up and fight for, and very, very rarely is it better schools or decreased crime.

4) For all the teen readers I have, I suggest you begin your college search early. And I will help. Try something around the University of Vermont, or perhaps Goddard College. I think, if certain legislation is allowed to proceed, you will have a fulfilling college career and be better prepared to go out and make your mark on the world.

Well, that's about it. It's like Groucho Mark said: "You call this a party? The beer is warm, the women cold, and I'm hot under the collar."

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