Monday, March 3, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-March 3, 2007CE

1) I'm a 25 year old kid, and therefore grew up around the time of the past 25 years. Needless to say, I have a big boner for the Indiana Jones movies, so when the trailer came out mid February, I watched it. A lot. Well, looks like I'm not alone. Estimates have put the number of times this trailer has been watched at 200 million, worldwide--in the first week. And aside from uberloser Harry Knowles flapping his usually lying gums about things he doesn't know about, this article really opened my eyes to the fact that I'm not the only person anticipating the shit out of this film.

2) Daylight Savings Time has snuck up on me, and lord knows when I would have found out if I hadn't read this article. I hate time changes. All it does is fuck up everything for everyone for weeks at a time, and guess what, Jethro: We aren't an agrarian society any longer. Sure, it probably made sense when my grandmother had to get up in the morning, sling her sack over her shoulder and go pick cotton for 8 hours, only to do it again the next day, because that's why schools have summer break and why daylight savings time was invented. It still amazes me that I/we are only two generations removed from a largely agricultural, if not economy, then certainly society.

3) I saw the commercial referenced in this new Ad Report Card, from Slate, last night. I too chuckled at the cinnamon roll line. The gist is Holiday Inn Express has a new breakfast bar and 4 losers are trying to send over some food to an attractive fellow traveler. She rebuffs their offer of a plate of bacon (??) for yogurt. Listen, I'm no expert on the ladies, and I know the surreal quality of the ad must be maintained, but bacon? I love bacon, but I'm not going to go give it away as a present, especially to a girl. Hey, you need more Crisco for your ham steak, fatty?

4) Well, Russia has a new president. Here's and New Boss, same as the Old Boss. "I think (my presidency) will be a direct continuation," says new Russian president Dmitry Medvedev. That should work out like gangbusters in the relatively new democracy. Putin is still the leader, lets not mince words. but we aren't putting missiles in Turkey these days, so something has to be going right.

Well, that's about it. It's like Bill Murray as Phil Connors said in Groundhog Day: "This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather."

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