Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ante Meridiem Eye Openers-February 7, 2008CE

1) If you are a reader of Bearsuits Are Funny, you might remember my esteemed colleague Tison giving the Dennis Miller treatment to schedules, and in some cases, mother's insistence of them. Well, here is some proof that he's not crazy. Well, he is, but not on this. By the way, keep the steak knives away from him.

2) The Showtime Network has a program you can catch everyone in a while called Bud Greenspan's Olympic Memories of_____, ____ being the specific games he is remembering. They are very well put together, and he doesn't just speak about American athletes. The profile of the first Kenyan to win the marathon, who ran through Rome barefoot, is particularly memorable. I tell you that to tell you this: The only good thing to come out of Utah is the program about the Salt Lake City Winter games of 2002. Just ask this couple who spent 12 days in a blizzard wearing car cushions for shoes.

3) The Seattle Seahawks have hired Jim Mora, their current defensive assistant, as their new head coach--in 2009. This trend of naming head coaches prior to the current one leaving or retiring is slightly annoying, but it does let the teams have their choice of coach, while not embarrassing a bunch of other well deserving candidates with the Rooney Rule. In my opinion, if you have a guy on staff who you have already made up your mind to be the next coach of your team you should be allowed to instantly promote him. If you want to look outside of the organization, then Rooney away, because perhaps there is a guy you didn't think of and the Rooney Rule can help like minded coaches and executives get together. Dan Rooney had a dream...

4) Well, they seem to love putting former players in charge of basketball teams, why not baseball?

5) Juan Marichal and Pedro Martinez were filmed participating in a cock fight in the Dominican Republic. This is only news because I thought Juan Marichal and Pedro Martinez were dead.

Well, that's about it. I leave you with an amazing video of the Talking Heads playing Take Me To The River at their induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, with Sam Moore, Steve "The Colonel" Cropper, Marty Stewart, Issac Hayes and others helping them out. Have a good day and enjoy:

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