Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Looks Like We've Got A Long Night Of Cocaine Ahead Of Us...

If you are friends with me on facebook, and come to think of it, why aren't you friends with me on facebook? What the fuck did I ever do to you? Listen you prick, if I ever see you in facebook, I am going to e-beat your ass so hard...GODDAMMIT!!!!

OK, I'm sorry...I got a little carried away. Getting back on topic, if you had access to my postings, you might have seen an extended clip for the new NBC show Community.

This one looks like a keeper. Starring Joel McHale, from The Soup (No, not him. Not him, either...), Chevy Chase, from The Chevy Chase Show, and John Oliver, from this great podcast and The Daily Show, this series follows a group of...people...who attend Greendale Community College.

Why in the world did this not catch on???

I don't really want to give anything away, because if you really cared you would learn about it on your own.

Oh. You don't care... Then let me shove it down your throat.

McHale stars as a smooth-talking lawyer who has his license suspended until he can earn a real college degree. You know what: this video should help out with the wordy explanation phase-plus there's pictures!!

Our friends at facebook (who aren't your friends, they're mine-I still haven't forgiven you for besmirching my honor earlier) are hosting the full pilot for another 79 hours. Now this isn't 79 hours after you read this post, it's 79 hours after I post it...so either read this more often, or miss out on the chance of a lifetime.

If your lifetime ends before Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 9:30e/8:30c.

I leave you with another movie trailer, starring one of the stars of Community, one Donald Glover. It's called Mystery Team, and I suggest headphones if you watch in the office. Unless your coworkers enjoy the words "fuck" and "cocaine".


  1. I watched the "Community" video and thought, "Wow. I can't believe I'm actually thinking this, but Russell might have decently OK taste in viewing material. Either this show looks pretty good or my standards have dropped precipitously."

    Then I watched the trailer for Mystery Team.

  2. Oh I'm so sorrrrryyyyy. I didn't mean to fail to meet the standards of the Ehrich Weiss of blog commenting. Next time I'll recommend the catalog of Merchant/Ivory films.......

