Wednesday, August 12, 2009

There is a counting toes joke in here somewhere...find it!

Those of you who come to this site for an insightful view into the world of sports might have been disappointed lately. Seems I only get the inspiration to write when I'm watching tv or movies, reading about tv and movies or reading about the tv show or movie I'm going to watch next. But I still like to keep up with sports. Otherwise I wouldn't have any clue as to what my friends are talking about, and I'm already digging a hole for myself due to my lack of video game knowledge.

Ohmigawd did you see the new halo, halo 4: halo has roast beef??? Is halo the character, like echo the dolphin? I knew a girl in high school with the last name of Sims. Is that game The Sims about her? Is she naked in it? I don't know anything...

This ain't your grandmother's Mario Kart...

But back to sports, if you value my opinions on anything I have always hoped you take a look at the right side of the page under Linking It To The Streets. These are my every 20 minutes-refresh blogs and I wouldn't feel as free to make rape and hobo-murder jokes without reading them. Lucky you. Lucky me.

I have added a new one today. It's not sports porn, nor regular porn. It's about the fledgling UFL.

The UFL, or United Football League, is a new "major" league football operation which will start up in October of 2009. Now, I certainly don't have the space or the inclination to bring you totally up to speed on this, that's what hyperlinks were invented for. I would start with the wikipedia page, like I always do. (I tend to trust wikipedia when it comes to comics, movies--really all things nerd--and sports; these areas have rabid fans who will stop at nothing to present the truth) Also, the uniform "kit" was released today, and you can find that article at my good pretend-friend withleather.

Star and Clam. Are you catching on yet, Gomer?

Now, this is not to say that I'm endorsing, or even really caring about the UFL in more than a perfunctory manner. I'm just gonna watch. It's football, and I'm a male from the south. It's what I do. But I am going to use Star and Clam to catch up and/or learn about the personnel moves, rule differences, and general goings-on in the UFL. I just hope that by sharing this information one day you too can butt into a conversation you have NO business being in and spout off one or two tidbits of knowledge and then walk away. Proud that now you know the UFL isn't an unplugged fluorescent light.

But seriously, unplug your lights: this is a green blog...I mean, not as green as that logo, but......


  1. "These are my every 20 minutes-refresh blogs..."

    Aw, RUSSELL! You're too kind!

    "...and I wouldn't feel as free to make rape and hobo-murder jokes without reading them."

    Well, that didn't last long, now, did it?

    If ever anyone wishes to unequivocally prove the "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" theory, they need only put the two of us in a room and give us each a laptop and free wifi.

    If I didn't hate romantic comedies and Katherine Heigl so much, I would say we should watch The Ugly Truth together.

  2. I tend to feel that rape and hobo-murder jokes would go particularly well on your blog as well. I don't have some sort of monopoly on rape.

    I would say we should watch the ugly truth as well, but since i'm only mildly depressed, and not extremely suicidal, being in a room with the byproduct of a steaming pile of garbage having unprotected sex with a flaming pile of kangaroo shit isn't in my best interest. get back to me when you find something more pleasing, like riot footage from south america, or snuff films...
