Sunday, August 2, 2009

I've got the blues...and reds...and they're tights......

The frozen arctic is a formidable place. Subzero temperatures and deadly wildlife, moving ice and biting winds all conspire to rob a person of their life. But just like the deadliest of animals or the most dangerous of weather phenomenon, the icy north has a beauty all it's own.

In the morning the majestic polar bear stalks it's prey in great loping strides. The sun rises over the north pole, it's warming beams striking the ice and producing a spectacular light show.

In the middle of this expanse stands a great crystal palace. How it came to be, no one knows. In fact only one person knows of it's existence.

Superman rests a weary body in his Fortress of Solitude. There are times The Man of Steel feels the need to return to what amounts to his ancestral home to recharge. Being the protector of mankind takes a physical and emotional toll. Even Clark Kent can feel down at times.

Superman gradually awakes, his senses returning to him one by one. His hearing is first; the slight resonance of the crystal a welcome sound to his Kryptonian ears. He smells the purity of the ice, the frozen water protecting him from prying eyes. Finally, Superman opens his eyes. He is surrounded only by ice, crystal and his thoughts.

It's times like these that animated superman thinks of only one thing. He's tried to talk to Lois about it, but she just can't understand. How can a mere human understand the troubles of the most powerful being on earth? He has powers even the best of humanity will do ANYTHING to obtain. All except one man. And this is the crux of animated superman's psychological problems...

...Animated Batman is far and away 100% cooler than animated Superman.

Hi, I'm dark and mysterious...

Batman: The Animated Series is, in my opinion, the best "superhero" cartoon in history. It's dark and foreboding with well told stories and a sharp take on old characters. Animated Superman is formulaic and, well, happy. Metropolis is a bright neon billboard advertising children's toys; Gotham is the shadows behind the lights. And what good happens in the light of day? Nothing. Everything interesting happens at night.

...Hi, I'm not!

Now, it's well known that I love the early 90's series Wings. But Tim Daly should be flying his plane (call letters: Nevada 121 Papa Papa), not voicing the Man of Steel. Kevin Conroy is layered and downright genius in his portrayal of the Dark Knight. He has voiced Batman over many series, and for my generation IS Batman.

Now this isn't to take away anything from the history or mythos of superman, it's just incontrovertible fact that the animated Batman is a better series than the animated Superman. What does this tell you about me, your intrepid blogger? It tells you that I have watched way too much tv in my life. It tells you that I woke up this morning and the only thing on tv was the animated Superman. It tells you that I've never read an actual comic book, but have spent plenty of time learning about them on wikipedia. I figure I can trust wikipedia in these sort of issues; nerds wouldn't stand for misrepresentation of their labor of love.

In conclusion, I sit here realizing that I just spend 30 minutes writing about cartoon superheroes. So, I'm going to go run a warm bath, lay down in the fetal position and cry until I'm one of the popular kids...


  1. Russell, I never thought this day would come, but much to my chagrin, it's here: we agree wholeheartedly on something.

    (Well, two somethings, really, since I feel you should be given some sort of medal and a cash prize for daring to call Kenny "Renee Zellweger was a Poor Choice for a Beard, Wasn't She" Chesney a douchebag in a public forum in Shreveport, Louisiana.)

    The other something is that the Superman animated series is for pansies and the Batman animated series is BADASS. For one thing, it gave us Harley Quinn.

    Although I find it disturbing and a little sad that you've never owned a comic book. (?) Get thee to a comic shop, Russell. You've got a lot of catching up to do:

  2. I find it amusing that I read your comment while listening to the SModcast. This podcast with Kevin Smith is really great listening, and his only daughter is named Harley Quinn Smith. That seems insane...

    the post you referred me to is also amusing, and i think everyone has their own version of that story...also, that series kicked tons of ass also.
